Brilliant that has made life so much easier. Thanks again Bruce

On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:46:48 UTC+1, Bruce Wade wrote:
> return dict(results_1=first_results, results_2=second_results, 
> results_n=n_results) # You can have as many return values in the dictionary 
> that you want. (Maybe there is a limit but I have no idea what it is)
> The dictionary names/keys can be whatever you want to call them.
> Then in your results.html
> {{=results_1}}
> {{=results_2}}
> {{=results_3}}
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:41 PM, adohertyd wrote:
>> Bruce,
>> One more thing, if I want to output the 2 sets of json data, how do I do 
>> it? return dict(results=bingresult...) I want to link the 3 results now
>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:35:44 UTC+1, Bruce Wade wrote:
>>> No problem, I have ran into that problem when I was first learning :D
>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:34 PM, adohertyd  wrote:
>>> Yeah it works now. Thanks very much Bruce much appreciated. Still have 
>>>> quite a bit to learn about all of this stuff.
>>>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:32:10 UTC+1, Bruce Wade wrote:
>>>>> It shouldn't look at your javascript console, if you are using ajax to 
>>>>> call this.
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:30 PM, adohertyd wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Bruce will try that. Why does 'return blekkoresults' work 
>>>>>> though?
>>>>>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:24:53 UTC+1, Bruce Wade wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok exactly it is complaining that {{=results}} does not exist.
>>>>>>> Reneed to return dict(results=something) from your results action in 
>>>>>>> your controller
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:23 PM, adohertyd  wrote:
>>>>>>> This is my results.html, all of it :)
>>>>>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>>>>>> {{=results}}
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:20:59 UTC+1, Bruce Wade wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am assuming by your error inside results.html you have a 
>>>>>>>>> variable defined as results however you are passing a tuple 
>>>>>>>>> blekkoresults, bingresults we would need to see results.html
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:16 PM, adohertyd wrote:
>>>>>>>>> No tried that and got 'unsupported format character 'A' at index 7'
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:08:20 UTC+1, Richard wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe you should encode your bing url.
>>>>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 4:05 PM, adohertyd wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to get a json response from 2 URL's and showing in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> on a results page. I'm getting an error saying that the page I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>>> redirecting to in order to show the json data is not defined but 
>>>>>>>>>>>> this only 
>>>>>>>>>>>> happens with one of the url's being contacted. I'm probably not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> being very 
>>>>>>>>>>>> clear with this so I will show you some code:
>>>>>>>>>>>> import urllib2
>>>>>>>>>>>> def index():
>>>>>>>>>>>>     form = FORM(''...      
>>>>>>>>>>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         session.term=request.vars.**quer********y
>>>>>>>>>>>>          redirect(URL('results'))
>>>>>>>>>>>>     elif form.errors: ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>     return dict(form=form)
>>>>>>>>>>>> def __process():
>>>>>>>>>>>>     term = session.term
>>>>>>>>>>>>     term = urllib2.quote("'" + term + "'")
>>>>>>>>>>>>     return dict(term=term)
>>>>>>>>>>>> def results():
>>>>>>>>>>>>     import requests
>>>>>>>>>>>>     blekko = "**te********
>>>>>>>>>>>> rm)s+/json&auth=<mykey>" % __process()
>>>>>>>>>>>>     blekkoresults = urllib2.urlopen(blekko).read()
>>>>>>>>>>>>     bing = "**********
>>>>>>>>>>>> com/Data.ashx/Bing/SearchWeb/**W********
>>>>>>>>>>>> eb?Query=%(term)s&$top=50&$**for********mat=json"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     API_KEY = 'mykey'
>>>>>>>>>>>>     r = requests.get(bing % __process(), auth=('', API_KEY))
>>>>>>>>>>>>     bingresults = r.json
>>>>>>>>>>>>    return blekkoresults, bingresults
>>>>>>>>>>>> The line 'bing= ' is causing the issue. If I comment out the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bing section of the code, the blekko part returns no problem. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> However, with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the bing section included I get the following error:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 5.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>>>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.**py********", line 205, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> restricted
>>>>>>>>>>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>>>>>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "C:\web2py\applications\**metase********arch2\views\manage/**results.**htm******l",
>>>>>>>>>>>>  line 86, in <module>
>>>>>>>>>>>> NameError: name 'results' is not defined
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone please tell me what's going on? If I run this 
>>>>>>>>>>>> program in IDLE it returns the bing results so it is definitely a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> web2py 
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Bruce Wade
>>>>>>>>> http://www.fittraineronline.**co******m<>-
>>>>>>>>>  Fitness Personal Trainers Online
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Bruce Wade
>>>>>>> http://www.fittraineronline.**co****m<>- 
>>>>>>> Fitness Personal Trainers Online
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bruce Wade
>>>>> http://www.fittraineronline.**co**m <>- 
>>>>> Fitness Personal Trainers Online
>>> -- 
>>> -- 
>>> Regards,
>>> Bruce Wade
>>> http://www.fittraineronline.**com <> - 
>>> Fitness Personal Trainers Online
> -- 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Bruce Wade
> - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

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