Hello, I have been using the wonderful d3 library with web2 py. See http://d3js.org/ for more information. But it is aimed at the browser. It is great to visualise json output from web2py.
One thing it does is generate svg content. I would like to be able to generate a png image from the svg definition, but on the server. I know it's possible with phantom.js and node.js (from another group: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!topic/d3-js/XHbidy5pY8A), but I'm not sure if they fit into a web2py context, or if that is the right approach with web2py. Does something like a "Headless web kit browser" fit into web2py approach? . I'm wondering is it possible, using something like response.render to generate the svg in a controller and generate a png image (which I could save or include in PDF output). Would I include these other libraries, but where, in the view? Anyway, I think d3 is fantastic and it would be great to be able to exploit it (more!) in web2py. Happy to put up some simple examples that show how to do it (the browser part at least) Thanks