SQLite is a file-based database, so has to have more course locking than a 
typical client/server database. Other databases have "select for update" 
functionality, which allows you to select a set of records and lock them. 
web2py actually supports this, via .select(..., for_update=True).

Anyway, you might be better off looking into using the 
or a third-party task queue like Celery <http://celeryproject.org/> (a 
web2py Celery plugin <http://code.google.com/p/web2py-celery/> was started 
at some point, though not sure it is complete).


> Ok, so if (and I'm looking for a more general that just SQLite answer 
> here), I want to get exclusive access to the DB, I should first do a 
> 'dummy' change. 
> More explicitly, if the server process were first to 'update' a record 
> (solely for the purpose of locking the DB), then read through pending 
> entries, it could mark them as 'working on by server process x', 
> commit, and be sure that no other process (such as another 
> worker/server or even a user coming in through web2py proper) would be 
> able to also pick up that work? Even if that just works for SQLite, 
> I'm cool, but I'd like a solution that worked for all DBs if that is 
> possible without a lot of machinations. 
> In slightly more detail, there could be a server's table, and as each 
> server 'wakes up' looking for work to do, it could udpate its own row 
> in that table (hence provoking a lock), look for work, flag the work 
> as being handled by itself, then commit. It could then take its own 
> sweet time to do the work, knowing that no other server process would 
> have also claimed that work? 
> -=Doug 

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