Just to be clear, are you saying web2py is not generating the HTML at all 
(i.e., if you do "view source" in the browser, the HTML simply isn't 
there), or is it that the content below that point is being generated but 
simply isn't being visually rendered by the browser (which could occur, for 
example, if your XML() object includes a closing </html> tag).


On Monday, June 25, 2012 2:14:37 PM UTC-4, RKS wrote:
> This all works, but I can't wrap my head around why everything after this 
> snippet is no longer displayed. It does not even exist in the source. For 
> example, my code is like this:
> <div class="wrapper">
>                 {{import os}}
>                 {{from gluon.template import render}}
>                 {{=XML(render(blog.body,path=os.path.join(request.folder, 
> 'views'), context=globals()))}}
>                 {{pass}}
>         <!--start-->
>          <div class="clear"></div>
>             <ul class="user">
>                 <li class="white">NEW USER?</li>
>                 <li><a href="{{=URL('register')}}"><img 
> src="{{=URL('static','images/button_register.png')}}" alt="Login/Register 
> to comment!" /></a></li>
>             </ul>
>             <ul class="user">
>                 <li class="white">CURRENT USER?</li>
>                 <li class="blog_form">{{=blog_form}}</li>
>             </ul>
>             <div class="clear"></div>
>         </div>
> Everything from the inserted comment (<!--start-->) will not exist any 
> more after this. Go back to simple {{=XML(blog.body)}} and everything after 
> it displays fine. I've tried adding a pass, no pass, two passes, etc. But 
> it still appears from that point web2py is not recognizing regular html 
> anymore. Nothing after that will display at all.


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