I see. Note, web2py.css is designed primarily to work with the "welcome" app. You don't have to use web2py.css or the "welcome" app at all, though. You can instead create the entire front end with pure Bootstrap, and that should work fine with web2py (if you're using the web2py grid, you might want to retain the grid-specific CSS from web2py.css).
Anyway, trunk is based on Bootstrap, but I'm not sure web2py.css has been tested to ensure there are no conflicts with any Bootstrap components. If you find a conflict, you can of course change the CSS (and report it so it can be fixed). Anthony > I was looking at Carousel JS plugin. For example, I've seen a recent > thread ( > https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/web2py/carousel/web2py/LZqq06VAUZs/zyQIOgqZKnQJ) > > where people encounter conflicts between web2py.css and bootstrap.min.css, > when using Carousel plugin. Another thread ( > https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/web2py/bootstrap/web2py/YqdwW3jIZ_I/WSLcKvTULz8J) > > seems to suggest that the top menu bar from Bootstrap 2 doesn't work > properly with web2py. > > To clarify, I don't need to use ready-made themes such as those from > Bootswatch, and will just use provided components from Bootstrap 2, and > customize the details such as colors, icons, etc myself. Does it make > things easier? > > Just to confirm, do I need the latest trunk version to have Bootstrap 2 > support, or the latest stable 1.99.7 is fine? > > Thanks! > --