PyCon Argentina is pleased to announce an extended set of 5 financial aid grants up to $1500 ARS pesos, around 300 USD each grant (according current currency exchange), to help speakers to cover travel and lodging costs. Do not wait to apply, applications will be analysed in a rolling-basis, the first applicants will be given priority.
To propose activities please go to: To apply for financial aid please read the instructions and fill the following form: This is the last week to submit talk proposals (deadline June 6th, 2012). Don't miss this chance to speak at the largest gathering of the Spanish-speaking Python community and interact with almost 500 expected attendees, including high skilled python developers, entrepreneurs, scientific researchers, teachers and students. This year the conference will be held in Buenos Aires, one of the most important latin-american cities, full of nearby attractions! Talks and tutorials in English or Portuguese are welcome if you are not comfortable with Spanish. This year's PyCon AR preconfirmed special international speakers includes so far: * Massimo Di Pierro (USA) - De Paul University - web2py / FermiQCD * Andrea Gavana (Denmark) - Maersk Oil - wx.lib.agw & 2D/3D visualization * Brett Cannon (Canada) - Google - python core developer: importlib py3k pypy * Christophe Pettus (USA) - PostgreSQL Experts - Django & ORMs * Thiago Avelino (Brasil) - Mochii - MongoDB - London * Craig Kerstiens (USA) - Heroku - Tools, django, Postgres * John Anderson (Chile) - pyramid, gevent-socketio, real-time web Pycon Argentina is not possible without corporate sponsorship. For companies interested in sponsoring of PyCon AR we recommend to check sponsorship conditions at: Please spread the word and let other, interested people know about PyCon Argentina. Best Regards Mariano Reingart PyCon Argentina 2012 Chair --