> > You're forgetting another "layer".  DAL leverages on DBAPI 
> implementation of 
> > sql drivers. 
> Well, that's not exactly good news for transparency and ease of 
> documentation.

DB API is just a specification for Python database drivers to follow to 
ensure some degree of similarity and portability: 
http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/. On net, this is probably good 
news for transparency and ease of documentation because you have some 
consistency across drivers. What alternative would you propose for greater 
transparency and ease of documentation? 

> But what I would prefer to do is actually reason about what should be 
> happening

I believe we have done this. If you remain unconvinced, some testing might 
increase your confidence in the conclusions.

> Sure, there is documentation about the quirks of SQLite, but nothing 
> (unless I've missed it after repeated reading) about the 
> assumptions/defaults, etc of how the DAL uses the intermediate glue 
> layers (pysqlite, etc.).

Again, what specific assumptions about the "intermediate glue layers" would 
affect the code you would write in this case? If the issue is 
auto-committing, I believe the recommended code would work in either case. 
I'm not saying I would mind seeing a little more documentation regarding 
the differences across some of the databases and their drivers -- I'm just 
wondering how much it matters in this particular case.



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