I know that for SQLite (what I'm using for the proof of concept) it's 
actually NOCASE. 

On Saturday, June 23, 2012 4:28:44 AM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:
> Do you know the required syntax to make it happen on the db engine you are 
> using ?
> Remember also that if your db is going to be "filled" (updated, or 
> inserted) by web2py, you can apply a custom validator: only data inserted 
> or updated from within web2py will be "checked" 
> On Saturday, June 23, 2012 3:29:48 AM UTC+2, Corey Marques wrote:
>> OK, maybe this is a better question. How to I specify that the column is 
>> NOCASE using the DAL?
>> On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:33:55 PM UTC-4, Corey Marques wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I'm trying to put together a quick proof of concept to use this 
>>> framework for porting our desktop application to the web.
>>> I ran into an issue where unique fields don't follow our rules. In our 
>>> database the 'nickname' field is unique and "JOE" is the same as "joe".
>>> I did a quick search and couldn't find an elegant solution to this 
>>> problem. I was hoping for something like
>>> Field('nickname', unique_ignore_case=True)
>>> Is there a simple and efficient way to do this? The only solution I was 
>>> able to find involved duplicating the field on the table and saving both 
>>> the field and it's lowercase equivalent.  
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Corey.


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