book say this.

db.person.import_from_csv_file(open('test.csv', 'r'))

why do you use a different syntax ?

BTW: you'd need to delete the table first, or you'll append to existent 
records in the database the ones in the csv file.

On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:55:26 PM UTC+2, joe wrote:
> I want to import from a csv file, but I want to use the imported data in 
> only one of my database tables, not all of them, which is how I have seen 
> the examples online.  Here is my code, which does not work:
> Model
> -------------------
> db.define_table(
>     'upload', 
>     Field('name'),
>     Field('email'))
> = [IS_EMAIL, IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '')]
> Controller
> ----------------------
> def upload():
>     db.upload.import_from_csv_file('nameTest.csv')
>     records = 
> SQLTABLE(db().select(db.upload.ALL),headers='fieldname:capitalize')
>     return dict(records=records)
> View
> ------------------
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <h2>Current data</h2>
> {{=records}}
> I know its basic, but I am just working on getting the feel for things 
> before I do a bigger project.

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