Hello, In the model, in the file db.py I used the auth_user table that comes by default with web2py and I enriched it a bit the following way : ######################################## db.define_table('auth_user', Field('first_name', type='string', label=T('First Name')), Field('last_name', type='string', label=T('Last Name')), Field('email', type='string', label=T('E-mail')), Field('password', type='password', readable=False, label=T('Password')), Field('sex',requires=IS_IN_SET((T('male'),T('female'))),label=T('My Sex is')), Field('usertype',requires=IS_IN_SET((T('player'),T('coach'),T('referee' ),T('Parent, Soccer Fan or Volunteer'),T('League, Club, School or Team owner'),T('OTHER (ex: Health,Sponsor,etc)'))), label=T('I am a')), Field('birth_date','date',label=T('Birth Date')), Field('created_on','datetime',default=request.now, label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=False), Field('modified_on','datetime',default=request.now, label=T('Modified On'),writable=False,readable=False, update=request.now), Field('registration_key',default='', writable=False,readable=False), Field('reset_password_key',default='', writable=False,readable=False), migrate=settings.migrate)
I am using mysql on my local server, it all works ! the problem or issue I am having is this : In the usertype field, I have 6 predefined user types ... 1) I wanted to user numbers ( like 1, 2, ... 6) internally to shorten the various codes I'll be writting when it comes to compare or to decide on the actions of that specific usertype ! (PS. I am thinking that it is somekind of a list so I can refer to that field as auth_user.usertype[0 to 5] to identify the specific usertype of a subscriber !!! ... am I on the right track ??? ) 2) *** THIS IS MY MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION *** Depending on that user type, the associated profile and form to fill out that follow will not be the same upon registration !! ... in other words, depending on the usertype chosen by the user, as I am using the form wizard recipe, the next steps ( and certain fields ) to be shown will not be the same ... so .. I definitely need to create separate table for each user type ???? ... what if a specific user type ( such as a club and a league) actually needs its own database instead of a table in my main database ! ??? how do I approach this in the model and consequently in the controller to the view ??? To put it in context : a player or ref or coach is a user, ( simple ) ... and most club owners and persons will be the same basic auth_user ! but on the other hand ... a team is a list of registered users a club is a list of teams and users ( that are not teams ) a league is a list of clubs and users ( that are not clubs, like volunteers, workers, etc.. ) Am i approaching this the right way ??? ... please advise thank you