I sent an email to your gmail account some hours ago. If you prefer I could 
submit a patch through google issue tracker.

Il giorno domenica 17 giugno 2012 17:14:19 UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro ha 
> Can I get an updated patch?
> On Sunday, 17 June 2012 04:55:25 UTC-5, Andrew wrote:
>> The blue color was coming from Line 32 from bootstrap.min.css.  However , 
>> I started again from a clean welcome app and reinstalled the two files and 
>> the blue is gone, now getting the color from bootswatch.  (cache issue ?)
>> Thanks Paolo.  It works great.   I've also sent patch file to Massimo, 
>> but your files should be the correct ones.
>> On Sunday, June 17, 2012 9:14:16 PM UTC+12, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>> For me is indifferent. I looked around the web and some bootstrap sites 
>>> have a group of buttons and others haven't.
>>> Anyway to revert to B1 please apply attached files.
>>> About the color, please note that IE7 doesn't support the 'inherit' 
>>> parameter so we have to apply a workaround (see attached bootswatch.css).
>>> @Massimo in bootswatch.css I fixed the menu issue when BS2.0.4 is 
>>> applied (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/YqdwW3jIZ_I/KR2SebT8AnEJ). 
>>> Please check if it works. Thank you.
>>> Il giorno domenica 17 giugno 2012 05:30:04 UTC+2, Andrew ha scritto:
>>>> A  week or two ago a change was made to the nav bar to give the auth 
>>>> buttons for Login, Register, etc   a button look.   This was part of the 
>>>> fix to the dropdown menus to get them to work with bootstrap.  Another 
>>>> change was made to revert back to the old look (but only as an attachment 
>>>> to a previous post in this list).  
>>>> There are two screen shots, current welcome app, and with the buttons 
>>>> reverted to the old look.
>>>> Credit to Paolo for making both changes.  Given that the buttons have 
>>>> been in trunk for a while, it is worth getting a consensus to keep it or 
>>>> revert it.  So:
>>>> *Vote:*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *if B) *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *B.1)     Revert to the Pipe separator between the options (as shown)*
>>>> *B.2)     Don't include the Pipe separator.*
>>>> B.1) involves updating a recent patch to layout.html:
>>>> <div id="navbar">{{='auth' in globals() and auth.navbar(separators=(' 
>>>> ',' | ','')) or ''}}</div>
>>>> A patch for B.1) has already been sent to Massimo (that's my vote :) ) 
>>>> , but let's see what the general feeling is.
>>>> Thanks

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