Looking good, would you also be able to expand out the usable tags

only suggested tags can be used
> suggested tags: sessions* · *cache* · *internationalization* · *routing

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 12:51 AM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> FYI, we have enabled a number of the new features Google has recently
> introduced to the Google Groups web 
> interface<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#%21forum/web2py>,
> such as:
>    - Question asker can mark favorite response, which will get displayed
>    at the top of the responses.
>    - Question responses can be up/down voted.
>    - "Me too" a question without submitting a separate reply.
>    - Edit your own posts, so if you make a mistake, you can fix it in
>    place rather than posting a separate correction.
>    - Mark topic as "no response needed".
>    - Filter topics based on a number of attributes.
> This is in addition to some other recently added features, such as code
> highlighting, tagging, different post types (question, discussion,
> announcement), etc.
> I encourage you to use the web interface (as opposed to email) to take
> advantage of these features (that will also keep your email address out of
> the posts). In the left sidebar, you can keep links to a list of favorite
> Google Groups, so it's easy to track all your Google Groups in one place.
> Anthony

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