I'm rewriting a python report script that processes CSV files and emails 
the reports on a monthly basis (triggered from system cron). 

My python script basically does the following:

1. Parse CSV data.
2. Write html report and save to archive directory on server.
3. Email report as attachment to admins.

In the new version, I want to use a templating language so my first thought 
was to use jinja or mako. But then I got to thinking....  eventually, I'd 
like this report to also have a web interface where uses could customize 
criteria or simply run the defaults manually in between scheduled monthly 
runs. So perhaps I could learn web framework like web2py and build the new 
report around web2py and use web2py for templating. 

However, in reading the docs, it's becoming clear to me that web2py expects 
to serve the output to a browser, not write monthly files (based on a 
pre-defined template) to system disk and then email the file to recipients. 
I'm a web2py newbie. Is this a good first project, or should I stick with 
python scripts & a templating library to produce the reports. 

What are your comments/advice?


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