We've been testing NginX for a while now, but we're still not using it on
We've used a script from this group to install/configure nginx/web2py/uwsgi.
This script created a web2py configuration file on sites-available with
configurations for HTTP and HTTPS.
The one error message we get is error 504.
But this don't happen often. When we have something small, it works fine.
Get something a little bigger and it starts.
In the example Ovidio told you, there's this 1 web app that has around 51
tables and it's getting a little big...
When we try to acess the application for the first time (through browser),
it'll wait for a few seconds and eventually end up with a 504 error.
After that, we need to restart uwsgi to make other apps work again .
I'll take a look on the log and conf files to share.


2012/6/11 pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com>

> Probably going to need a lot more information. Have you used Nginx before?
> What does nginx.conf look like? Are you getting any error messages? Nginx
> error log? Do you have to kill nginx, uwsgi or web2py to run again?

Marco Tulio

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