Thank you all for your feedback. I suppose that's correct. I should try to 
change my way of thinking about writing applications from plain simple 
event-driven programming. It just felt so natural thinking about it that 
I will definitely go through the online manuals thoroughly and then if I 
have more questions, will come back here. This is actually my first ever 
forum post. I was always reluctant to post questions thinking I'd never get 
timely responses, but I read somewhere that I should give web2py a shot and 
see how "friendly" the community is.. :) so Good first experience.

Hope to be able to add back to web2py. It looks good so far

On Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:15:26 PM UTC+4, Omar Ali wrote:
> I'm a total newbie. I have programmed extensively during the VB days 
> (event driven programming) (I know, you'd hardly call that programming!) so 
> ... Web programming is taking a toll on me.
> Could someone explain to me the dynamics of web2py programming in a way 
> that an event driven programming dude can understand, maybe using analogies 
> and such..

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