
I'm trying to validate some things on a self reference field, among them 
that a reference field on a table does not refer to the record where it is.

For instance,

    Field('name', length=256, unique=True, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    Field('gender', requires= IS_IN_SET([T('Male'), T('Female')], 
zero=T('choose one'))),
    Field('father', 'reference person'),
    Field('mother', 'reference person'),
    format = '%(name)s'

db.person.father.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db(db.person.gender == 
'Male'), db.person.id, '%(name)s', zero=T('choose one'))) 
db.person.mother.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_DB(db(db.person.gender == 
'Female'), db.person.id, '%(name)s', zero=T('choose one')))

So in addition to the gender restriction (yeah I know it's not always true, 
this is just an example), I'd like to add the restriction that a person 
cannot be it's own father or mother.
Basically what I want is something like an IS_NOT_SELF or something.

Any tips on how to go about this?

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