This was the easiest and clearest explanation I saw:

On Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:53:34 PM UTC-7, Fabiano Faver wrote:
> Thanks for the tips Villas, Annet and Pbreit.
> I checked this bootstrap and really liked what I can do with it. indeed it 
> is very helpful.
> Please correct me if I am wrong 
> But it seems to load all modal DIVs into the page as hidden.
> My page would have many links to modal windows and a SQLFORM inside each 
> hidden div. and all these divs might be a lot of unnecessary work. 
> Can it be on demand? only after i click the link it gets the modal content.
> I'm willing to try a a grid which look like sqlform.grid but simpler and 
> the edit buttons would open the form inside modal windows and after the 
> submit it update that row if necessary.
> 2012/5/29 pbreit <>
>> I also vote for Bootstrap modals which are relatively easy to use.
>> On Monday, May 28, 2012 11:16:22 PM UTC-7, Annet wrote:
>>> Hi Fabiano,
>>> I am using Bootstrap's modal:**
>>> bootstrap/javascript.html#**modals<>
>>> Since the next version of web2py has Bootstrap included this will be the 
>>> easiest option.
>>> Annet.

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