visit:  what do you get back?  there might 
be a routing issue that does not display the proper favicon.

also check your generated HTML for the meta data to make sure it has a 
proper url to the favicon. (if included at all)


On Monday, May 28, 2012 1:58:49 PM UTC-7, Pystar wrote:
> Having exactly the same problem here.
> On Monday, May 28, 2012 10:56:07 AM UTC+1, Marian Siwiak wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I replaced favicon.ico and favicon.png file in "static" folder of my app, 
>> but on my webpage I still get an old icon. Any suggestions? I thought it 
>> might be some cache problems, but I used different browser, and still - 
>> web2py app icon is there...
>> best regards,
>> Marian

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