Hi Anthony, Thanks for your explanation of the hashbang url.
-- However, the result will be returned as an Ajax response, so it won't replace the entire page with the new page -- is that what you're trying to do? Not exactly. For instance I have a user with the shortname janvermeer, when someone enters the url www.mydomain.com/.../janvanleeuwen the '...' should be a sign for the application to go to the router function and: - querie the database for janvermeer's nodeID e.g. 2024 - determines what kind of account janvermeer has - and then redirect to one of the following functions: mydomain.com/init/addressbook/vcard/2024 mydomain.com/init/site/index/2024 mydomain.com/init/hub/index/2024 What I am looking for is two or three characters to replace the '...' and a way for the application to detect these characters and redirect to the router function. I hope I provided you with sufficient information to understand what the problem is and what kind of solution I am looking for. Best regards, Annet