You might import sendgrid in "model" file named "test"
In the "test" controller, use the sendgrid namespace.
In am doing this kind of stuff successfully in my app.



On Saturday, May 26, 2012 12:49:08 AM UTC+5:30, Yarin wrote:
> For the first time I'm having trouble importing a module in web2py that 
> imports normally elsewhere. I can't understand why this would be so.
> I'm trying to use the SendGrid Python API.  I have the sendgrid library in 
> my modules folder like all my other modules, and I was trying to import per 
> the sample code, but get a 
> <type 'exceptions.NameError'> name 'sendgrid' is not defined
> error.
> But when I do the same import from a flat file using the command line, it 
> runs fine.
> Here is my controller code, and the sendgrid library is 
> here<>
> .
> def test():
>     import sendgrid
>     return 'import worked'

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