You need to do it using jquery.

   var one =  jQuery('#table_field1');
   var two =  jQuery('#table_field2');
   two.change(function(){ if(two.val()=='somevalue') one.slideDown(); });

On Friday, 25 May 2012 08:45:21 UTC-5, orsomannaro wrote:
> I'm starting with Web2Py. 
> I have a model with a large number of fields and I need to display them 
> all together in the view. 
> To arrange/group them logically I need to display them in a horizontal 
> way. 
> In some cases I need to hide some of these fields, depending on users 
> rights. 
> How can I do this? 
> Is there a way to create different custom div-based forms layout for a 
> single model and let the controller to decide which one to use in the 
> views? 
> Thank you 

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