Keep going Ross, I like what I read!



On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Ross Peoples <>wrote:

> Just wanted to give an update on this. I'm working on the workflow engine
> nearly every day. Workflow engines are complicated things with lots of
> pitfalls that need to be taken into account. Having said that, I am getting
> closer to completing it.
> What works:
>    - Templates
>    - Creating workflows on-the-fly
>    - Serial and parallel steps (wait on more than one user/group at a
>    time)
>    - Due date calculation taking schedules, holidays, etc into account
>    - Simple flow of a workflow (i.e. every step is completed
>    successfully, without issue)
>    - Full delta auditing with support for writing audit logs to another
>    DAL instance
>    - Triggers (when someone does something to a workflow, some code can
>    be executed)
> What needs to be finished:
>    - Step rejections (someone noticed a problem created in a previous
>    step and wants to send it back to be corrected)
>    - Workflow monitors (users that aren't currently involved with the
>    workflow, but want to monitor the workflow's progress)
>    - Workflow comments (have rejections and other comments on the
>    workflow been addressed)
>    - Workflow check-list (high-level workflow objectives, created and
>    managed by users, basically just meta-data)
>    - Documentation (API and User Guide)
> Most of the functionality in the "needs to be finished" list has been
> written, but not tested. The engine is about 1500 lines of code right now,
> which includes about 350 lines of tests. One of my main goals has been to
> write a test suite that tests as many scenarios as possible. Writing a user
> guide with example usage will come after the engine has been accepted in
> web2py. I want to make sure the API doesn't need changing before I start
> writing actual documentation.
> I started writing this engine because I needed to replace a proprietary
> engine I created in C# several years ago that has seen years of production
> use. Unfortunately, the old engine lacks a lot of features (parallel steps,
> monitors, comments, check-lists, auditing, etc) and is tied to a single
> specific object. I wanted a workflow engine that could attach a workflow to
> just about anything. I also wanted it to have better features, cleaner
> code, and be easier to use.
> Hopefully, I will continue to make excellent progress on it and have
> something to submit for approval soon. I'll keep you posted!

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