can you please open an issue in google code so it is tracked. I do not 
think there an issue with wsgi but there may be one with

On Wednesday, 23 May 2012 21:03:04 UTC-5, Chris wrote:
> This seems like a problem in web2py or mod_wsgi -- or else I am confused. 
>  Would appreciate any pointers from the experts.
> I'm running web2py 1.99.7 on a Red Hat (RHEL 6) server using Apache 2.2.15 
> and mod_wsgi 3.3.  This is all running on a small virtual server at Amazon 
> Web Services.
> Since I don't want to open that box up to the world, I have been using ssh 
> tunneling to allow processes on my local machine to connect to the AWS 
> machine as if that is my local host.
> That is done via sshe command lines that look like this:
> ssh -i hs-test-000001.pem -L *:55080:localhost:80 -N root@ &
> ssh -i hs-test-000001.pem -L *:55443:localhost:443 -N root@
> The -L option has ssh create a listener on local port 55080 and forward 
> all traffic to that port to IP address / its localhost port 
> 80.  The second command line is the same for port 443 (https).
> This works well.  I can open a browser on my local machine, type 
> localhost:55080 in the address bar, and it does indeed connect with the 
> remote server and serve up the Welcome app.  (The AWS machine -- Apache and 
> web2py -- function just as if the request came from that localhost.  The 
> response is the same if I use a prompt on the AWS host and run 'curl 
> localhost:80'.  It all checks out.  So far so good.
> The problem has to do with how port numbers are interpreted on the AWS 
> machine.  Browsing locally to http://localhost:55080 worked fine, but 
> https://localhost:55443 resulted in an error.  After reading the error 
> dump file and putting a little debug code in applications / admin / models 
> /, I could see the failure was caused by trying to open 
> a local password file ''.  And indeed, when I copied the 
> existing file and names the copy, 
> everything worked -- https://localhost:55443/admin brought up the admin 
> add as I had expected.
> I don't understand why the AWS web2py process would care about the port 
> number from the client machine that initiated the request.  More than that, 
> I don't understand how web2py even knows what the port number from the 
> client is, since supposedly that is all handled in the ssh client side / 
> sshd server side process that ssh -L provides.
> To look further into this, I made a change in to dump the entire 
> 'request' structure to the Apache error log and paged through this.  The 
> port number 55443 shows up several times:
> -- 'HTTP_REFERER': 'https://localhost:55443/admin/default/site'
> -- 'SERVER_SIGNATURE': '<address>Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at 
> localhost Port 55443</address>
> -- 'SERVER_PORT': '55443'
> -- 'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:55443'
> -- 'mod_wsgi.application_group': 'ip-10-114-191-91.ec2.internal:55443|
> This is concerning because it means I may need to create new / redundant 
> parameters_*.py files for multiple port numbers on a production machine if 
> we use multiple port numbers in the ssh -L bridging.
> More than that, it makes me wonder if there is something wrong with 
> mod_wsgi or WSGI or how I have set them up -- and will this cause other 
> problems.
> Does it make sense that Apache and web2py would be aware of / use the port 
> number from the remote client when it is mapped to a local port?
> It seems like a bug to me.
> Thanks

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