Then it is an unhandled exception. Which one? Run it in debug mode and see 
if you can get the stack trace.

On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:50:41 AM UTC-7, Janath wrote:
> when following runs at the initialisation, even the web2py server goes 
> down. the line in the bold face, tries to initialise psse and make trouble. 
> for me it seems, that psse needs the exact version (which is 2.5) to run 
> the api commands. 
> (I am not sure whether it checks the registry entry for particular python 
> version)
> def index():
>     import os,sys
>     #import psspath
>     mymodule = local_import('pssepath')
>     sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PTI\PSSE32\\PSSBIN')
>     import psspy
>     import win32gui
>     mymodule.add_pssepath()
>     try:
>         *ierr=psspy.psseinit(80000)*
>         if ierr:
>             print "can not initiate psse! quits"
>             #raise SystemExit(" can not load case")
>     except SystemExit:
>         pass 
> thank you,
> Janath
> On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9:17:46 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Can you point us to some code?
>> On Tuesday, 22 May 2012 21:07:37 UTC-5, Janath wrote:
>>> I have written python scripts to automate PSSE (Siemens power system 
>>> simulation tool) using the pythonAPI provided.
>>> I can run them using the gui I have made for python 2.5. 
>>> Psse 32 needs the exact version of python (2.5) to run the API.
>>> I am trying to convert my application to a web based application using 
>>> web2py. I am unable to use API statements from web2py.
>>> I think, if I can run the python 2.5 and get the outputs to web2py, I 
>>> will be able to do that.
>>> Can someone give me a hand to do that.... also, better workarounds are 
>>> welcome.
>>> Thank you,

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