I have the following custom form: <div class="form-header"> {{=response.function}} </div>
<div class="form-body"> {{=form.custom.begin}} {{#<!-- Add header here -->}} {{=form.element('table')}} </div> <div class="form-footer"> {{#<!-- Add footer here -->}} {{=DIV(form.custom.end[1])}} {{#<!-- Add submit/cancel buttons here - you may even not use the submit variable -->}} {{=form.custom.end[0]}} </div> What I want is to display <tr id="submit_table__row"> in the form-footer. Using the code above {{=form.element('table')}} puts the entire form including the buttons in the form-body and renders this {{=DIV(form.custom.end[1])}} into an an empty <div></div> and this {{=form.custom.end[0]}} into a hidden <div></div>. How do I separate the row containing the buttons from the rest of the table rows and put it in the form-footer. Kind regards, Annet