thank you for your interest. let me brief what i am doing. I am building an application accessing google maps api v3. I need the function that decide if a certain point is within certain bounds. my understanding is that i need to do that in the view ( by passing the point and the coordinates of the bounds ). the view js can access them if they in {{ }}. then I need to return the output of the function to the next action, by clicking
<h3 {{=A(' ..... ',_href=URL('action'))}}/param1/param2 </h3> it did not work (it does not write the values of param1 and param2 ) and <h3 {{=A(' ..... ',_href=URL('action',args=[param1,param2]))}} </h3> is not working ( param1, param2 is not defind within {{ }} ) is there a solution without using jquery?