Somehow RH ships with a broken Python. Somehow I am not surprised.

On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 21:33:24 UTC-5, JungHyun Kim wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can't. No way to change python version of the server.
> But I tried with python 2.6 on my OS X. It works well.
> 2012년 5월 17일 목요일 오전 6시 17분 54초 UTC+9, Massimo Di Pierro 님의 말:
>> Any chance you can try 2.5 or 2.7?
>> On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 11:28:32 UTC-5, JungHyun Kim wrote:
>>> The server is Redhat Openshift (cloud PAAS). It uses Python 2.6 on RHEL 
>>> 6.
>>> 2012년 5월 17일 목요일 오전 12시 34분 54초 UTC+9, Massimo Di Pierro 님의 말:
>>>> what python version and os version do you have?
>>>> On Tuesday, 15 May 2012 22:20:00 UTC-5, JungHyun Kim wrote:
>>>>> Hi. 
>>>>> I got a error "AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute 
>>>>> 'request'" when trying to run web2py with wsgi.
>>>>> The application was "welcome" which is sample application of web2py.
>>>>> in
>>>>> from import Auth, Crud, Service, PluginManager, prettydate
>>>>> auth = Auth(db, hmac_key=Auth.get_or_create_key())
>>>>> and in gluon/
>>>>> @staticmethod
>>>>>     def get_or_create_key(filename=None):
>>>>>         request = current.request
>>>>> Variablesglobal current<thread._local object>requestundefinedcurrent.
>>>>> requestundefined
>>>>> I have two questions about this.
>>>>> 1. Does global current variable mean thread._local ?
>>>>> 2. If then, why thread._local doesn't have request attribute? Did I 
>>>>> set wsgi configuration wrong?
>>>>> Thank you very much.

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