
I'm try:

def mycaller(f):
    try: return f()
    except: raise(HTTP(400))

response._caller = mycaller 

But it's break my redirect in controller.

Vào 08:47:14 UTC+7 Thứ năm, ngày 17 tháng năm năm 2012, Anthony đã viết:
> def index():
>>     try:
>>         redirect(URL(f='user',args=['login']))
>>     except: raise HTTP(400)
> redirect() is equivalent to raising an HTTP(303) exception, but of course, 
> the exception you are raising in the try is actually caught by your except, 
> so it ends up raising the HTTP(400) exception instead.
> Anyway, what are you trying to do? You can just redirect to /user/login, 
> and if there is a problem with that request, the framework will raise its 
> own 404 (or 500) error.
> Anthony

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