Hello wuelfhis,

Do you have 1.99.7 stable? I believe this has been fixed in trunk and in 
the nightly build. Can you try it?


On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:42:55 PM UTC-5, wuelfhis asuaje wrote:
> It only happens in version 1.99.7
> in 1.99.1 works perfect
> Only happens when the table or (i don't know if model) has a float or 
> decimal field
> That's what i ran:
> In [66]: rows = db().select(db.fc_pago.ALL)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/wasuaje/Documentos/desarrollo/web2py2/applications/flota/models/plugin_jqgrid.py
> in <module>()
> ----> 1 rows = db().select(db.fc_pago.ALL)
> /home/wasuaje/Documentos/desarrollo/web2py2/gluon/dal.pyc in select(self, 
> *fields, **attributes)
>    7576         adapter = self.db._adapter
>    7577         fields = adapter.expand_all(fields, 
> adapter.tables(self.query))
> -> 7578         return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>    7579 
>    7580     def delete(self):
> /home/wasuaje/Documentos/desarrollo/web2py2/gluon/dal.pyc in select(self, 
> query, fields, attributes)
>    1318         limitby = attributes.get('limitby', None) or (0,)
>    1319         rows = self.rowslice(rows,limitby[0],None)
> -> 1320         return self.parse(rows,fields,self._colnames)
>    1321 
>    1322     def _count(self, query, distinct=None):
> /home/wasuaje/Documentos/desarrollo/web2py2/gluon/dal.pyc in parse(self, 
> rows, fields, colnames, blob_decode)
>    1615                         colset = new_row[tablename]
>    1616                     colset[fieldname] = value = \
> -> 1617                         
> self.parse_value(value,field.type,blob_decode)
>    1618 
>    1619                     if field.type == 'id':
> /home/wasuaje/Documentos/desarrollo/web2py2/gluon/dal.pyc in 
> parse_value(self, value, field_type, blob_decode)
>    1494         else:
>    1495             key = regex_type.match(field_type).group(0)
> -> 1496             return self.parsemap[key](value,field_type)
>    1497 
>    1498     def parse_reference(self, value, field_type):
> KeyError: 'float'
> my model
> #--------
> db.define_table('fc_pago',
>     Field('id','integer'),
>     Field('fecha','date'),
>     Field('total','double'), #tryed with decimal or float here in mysql is 
> float
>     Field('descripcion','string'),    
>     Field('mt_persona_id','integer'),
>     migrate=False)
> db.fc_pago.mt_persona_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,db.mt_persona.id,'%(nombres)s 
> %(apellidos)s' )
> db.fc_pago.mt_persona_id.represent=lambda val: db.mt_persona[val].nombres
> Database Mysql 
> mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.22, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using 
> readline 6.2
> What's going on here?

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