I'm trying to display a table with the name of some companies with the 
background color of each TD or DIV  dependent of the last day the printers 
company were checked

this it what I have now:

def exibicao_empresas():
    #get companies
    empr = db(auth.accessible_query('read', db.empresa, 
    tabela_empresa = TABLE( _class='grid_color')
    tr = TR()
    columns = 6
    count_cl = 0
    #for each company get all their printers and the last date it were 
    for td in empr:
        lista_1 = []
        count_menos = count_mais = 0
        #getting printers
        impress = db((db.impressora.id_filial_empresa==db.filial_empresa.id

        quant_impressoras = len(impress)
        maxdata = db.contadores.data.max()
        #getting dates
        dias = db(db.contadores.id_impressora.belongs(impress)).select( 
maxdata,db.contadores.id_impressora, groupby=db.contadores.id_impressora)

        # checking to show the indicative background-color
        for dia in dias:
            if (((dia_hoje-dia[maxdata]).days >= 1) and 
((dia_hoje-dia[maxdata]).days < 5)): count_menos = count_menos+1
            if ((dia_hoje-dia[maxdata]).days > 5): count_mais = count_mais+1
        bg_td = 'background-color: #99FFCC'
        if count_menos: bg_td = 'background-color: #EAEA9F'
        if count_mais == len(dias): bg_td = 'background-color: #FF9999'

        tr.append(TD(td.nome_fantasia, _style = bg_td))
        count_cl = count_cl + 1
        if count_cl==columns:
        if len(tr): tabela_empresa.append(tr)

    return dict(tabela_empresa =tabela_empresa )


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