actually the question at hand here i think is whether or not web2py can
support indexed=False in the property constructor when defining GAE models:
class Property(verbose_name=None, name=None, default=None,
required=False, validator=None, choices=None, indexed=True)
i was hoping there was a way to specify that in index.yaml so that we
didn't have to do extra work in the web2py GAE dal. i have not found
that there is or is not a way to specify that in index.yaml.
On 5/16/12 8:39 , Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
This is really a GAE question, not related to web2py. By default the
indexes are set automatically when you run your app in dev environment
depending on what queries you use. But you can do it manually to by editing
the index.yaml (above the #AUTOGENERATED line). On the next deploy the
indexes will be updated.
To disable the autogenerated indexes and test your index definitions, you
can run your app locally with: --require_indexes
Read this article for more details: