the issue is definitely the missing definition of the table on the second 
Remember that DAL does NOT introspect databases.

You can have potentially 31098312098 tables in a database, and define only 
one, and you'll be able to access that via DAL (of course with executesql 
there is an exception).

For the same reason, you can have a table with 31209831098 columns but only 
4 defined and again, except for using executesql, you'll be able to read 
and query only those 4 columns that you defined with "define_table"

Il giorno lunedì 14 maggio 2012 16:48:40 UTC+2, Ross Peoples ha scritto:
> In my experience, "can" doesn't always mean "should". There may be an 
> issue with db2 not seeing the table definitions from db1. For testing, do 
> something like this to explicitly share the "test" table definition:
> def define_tables(db, migrate=False):
>    db.define_table('test', Field('testfield'), migrate=migrate)
> define_tables(db1)
> define_tables(db2)

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