you don't upload images via the img tag.  that is used to show images.

GAE does not make a distinction of the image size of the URL used as the 
src of an IMG tag.

if you are storing images in the DB, on GAE you have max of 1mb i believe, 
if you want to use more than that you need to use the blobstore on GAE.  if 
these are static files that you are uploading with your application code i 
don't think there is a file size limit, but i do think there is a total 
code+static files size limit.

On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 11:03:17 PM UTC-7, Prakhar Srivastava wrote:
> what is the max image size we can upload through the img tag ?
> Because my application is working fine the local server and rock server 
> when i upload my application on GAE server then it's not showing properly 
> this is my application actually it stack because he one photo should 
> appear in the middle then navigation come from right hand side.

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