I have 4 tables which I would like to create a form for. As a test-case I have greatly simplified them and only included two:
db.define_table('product', Field('name','string'), Field('category','string') ) db.define_table('product_list', Field('product_id', 'list:reference db.product'), Field('category', 'string') ) db.product_list.product_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.product.id, '%(name)s' , multiple=True) The form should have: - an editable list allowing for modification of product_list and product - a read only html table showing the nesting - a create new product list form allowing you to not only create new products for inclusion but also to choose other products for inclusion How would I create this using the in-built crud library? Thanks for all suggestions, Alec Taylor