I made a similar app before and you can find my slice post 
I hope it helps.

On Monday, May 7, 2012 6:09:45 AM UTC-5, Stefan L wrote:
> Not sure I got the heading understandable, but this is what I want to 
> achieve (actual values only for demonstration, the app is not about cars 
> :-)):
> Given a table:
> db.define_table('cars', Field('maker','string'), Field('model', 'string'), 
> Field('colour','string'))
> db.cars.maker.requires=IS_IN_SET(('Volvo','VW','Chrysler'))
> db.cars.model.requires=IS_IN_SET(('V50','S60','Passat','Voyager'))
> db.cars.colour.requires=IS_IN_SET(('blue','red','pink'))
> How can I present a form to the user where the drop downs depend on each 
> other, i.e. if the user selects a make (Volvo) the next drop down only 
> shows the relevant models (V50, V60) and selecting a model populates the 
> colour drop down with the available choices? I've looked at an example 
> from 
> web2pyslices<http://www.web2pyslices.com/article/show/1410/cascading-drop-down-lists>
>  but 
> in my case I want to store all the choices made (maker, model, colour), not 
> only the final value as in the example (in that case, the area code). 
> Should I be able to adapt the example for my purposes?
> Regards,
> /Stefan

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