I would suggest to set the old version (copy everything the web2py/ folder)
in your new machine.

Then with the built in server you can start any version without
"installation". So you can just try your app in a given version of web2py
(let say the last update version) and see if everything still work

If you download de the source version you can start it like this :

"python web2py.py" from the web2py folder. Also, you can do this from
nautilus so it will ask you for a new admin password before starting the
web server.

Then if you put you app in web2py/applications/ folder, you can play with
your app if it use sqlite. If you have other database, you have to dump the
database and load it back in the new database server, you will have to
search for the proper way to do that for you database server.

If sqlite, just copy app folder from one web2py version to an other.


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:11 AM, mmstud <mms...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your answers, I just needed a little bit reassurance. So I'm
> going to set up a new server with python and web2py, should it be new
> version too, yes I think so, because application did transfer well to my
> local machine. I have a mysql database, that I'm using, which is not hard
> to replicate. As someone told, just change connection string after that. My
> web2py is from 2007-2008. New version seems much cooler :)

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