I'm using the following function from the documentation for a RESTful web 

    def POST(table_name,**fields): 
        string = ""
        if table_name == 'person': 
            for key in fields:
                string = string + "another keyword arg: %s: %s" % (key, 
            return string
            #return db.t_person.validate_and_insert(fields) 
        elif table_name == 'pet': 
            return db.pet.validate_and_insert(**vars) 
            raise HTTP(400)

The JSON that's being posted isn't being included in **fields, Some 
searching has lead me to information about the POST not being a key pair 
but just JSON so I wondered if web2py was struggling with that?


The data being sent also includes data on the URL eg 

That is being returned in the response from the above function.

Any help appreciated.


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