I'm using the following function from the documentation for a RESTful web service
def POST(table_name,**fields): string = "" if table_name == 'person': for key in fields: string = string + "another keyword arg: %s: %s" % (key, fields[key]) return string #return db.t_person.validate_and_insert(fields) elif table_name == 'pet': return db.pet.validate_and_insert(**vars) else: raise HTTP(400) The JSON that's being posted isn't being included in **fields, Some searching has lead me to information about the POST not being a key pair but just JSON so I wondered if web2py was struggling with that? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6702490/how-to-use-extjs4-save-in-php-server/6703326#6703326 The data being sent also includes data on the URL eg /api/person/?_dc=86876876 That is being returned in the response from the above function. Any help appreciated. Matt