Naturally JS is extremely popular -- as far as client-side programming does, it's more or less the only show in town. But what about server-side? At the moment we have to use things like python, which is great and IMO much better than JS. However, I don't think python will ever cross over to the client. Therefore we have to use at least two development languages/environments.
What if someone came along and introduced something which could handle everything that JS already had, but then go on to satisfy all the requirements for writing solid apps that we can run on the server? I mean database bindings, possibility of better data typing and a good IDE environment which can run natively in a browser, but still support other popular browsers too. It would be brilliant for developers building desktop apps and running them everywhere via a well supported client browser. I believe that's what Google are trying to do. They start off with JS support and build that into all-encompassing environment suitable for all tasks. It an attractive goal and I hope that they can succeed because I just want to learn one language that does everything.