I'm trying to create a threaded comments system for part of a work log. I would like it to have dynamically generated forms, which, once posted, update the contents of the containing DIV() with the comment and removes the form. This way I don't have 100's of form objects cluttering up a system, especially for a threaded comments system.
*Attempt at an explanation* 1. Threaded comments view displays all comments & indents them accordingly. 2. Each comment has a 'reply' button, which calls the *ac_f* action and points it to a target DIV. 3. ac_f builds a form with a submit action, ac(), which submits the data and returns a DIV object containing the nicely-formatted content. 4. DIV() object is displayed in the original DIV which the FORM object was in. *link to controller functions:* http://pastie.textmate.org/3784855 comment is called in the view thusly: * * *{{=A('comment', callback=URL('supervisors', 'ac_f', vars={'event_id':row.id}), target="comment_form_div_%d" % row.id, _class="button_class")}}* My issue with step 4, in that the FORM submission calls a separate action which returns a DIV object which *should * display the nicely formatted, comment, along with any new "reply" urls, etc. inside the DIV object. However, upon form submission, it reloads the entire page. Is there any way to actually keep it inside the DIV object?