Rackspace is full root access, they give you phone support, and it is 
listed on the front page of python.org.  In general, the support people at 
many hosting services have little knowledge of Python. The least expensive 
"cloud server" is $11-12. I had Linode and they would not provide phone 
support. However, they do have extensive documentation.

On Friday, April 6, 2012 12:14:07 AM UTC-4, Kenny wrote:
> I just registered for Linode to host web2py. after playing it for few 
> hours, It doesnt seem too easy to deploy..
> I followed
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/web2py/kd_A86Qwz6w
> by creating a script and run it. (init.deb.sh files are relocated)
> I think everything's followed nicely but not working.
> Is there anyone who can help me out by giving me instruction or info? 
> Thank you.

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