i am trying janrain and had created a model that contains this code. Refer 
from vimeo.com/21364178 building a minimalist facebook clone and deploying 
on google app engine using janrain.

import os
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount
# we disable actions that will be provided by Janrain, not auth
auth.settings.actions_disabled = ['register','change_password',
# we read the key frm a file because we want to keep it private
# we connect auth to janrain
auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount(request, 
    url = "http://localhost:8000/%s/default/user/login"; % 

and i had created a file with name janrain_api_key.txt in app/private/ 
folder now in this i added the api key provided by janrain.
After all this i find my application works but it only stucks at login. It 
get sign in redirects to rpxnow page communicates the login information in 
another page graps the permission and come back to my application but still 
at same situation from where it starts. As the user doesn't get logged in. 
Can anyone specify what actually the problem is and why it lets me go back 
to the same login prompt.
ack t

On Friday, July 16, 2010 5:01:46 AM UTC+5:30, mdipierro wrote:
> I have integrated Mr Freeze RPX API into web2py (trunk only). 
> Take your existing app and at the bottom of db.py (or after you define 
> auth) add 
>     from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount 
> auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register','change_password','request_reset_password']
>     auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount( 
>       request, 
>       api_key="...", 
>       domain="...", 
>       url = "http://localhost:8000/%s/default/user/login"; % 
> request.application) 
> WHERE you can get and api_key and domain by registering (for free) at 
> https://rpxnow.com 
> you choose the domain (has to be unique) and they give you the 
> api_key. 
> The url is the URL of the login page itself as visible to your 
> visitors. 
> If you do not define your own db.auth_user table this is all you need. 
> If you define your own table, add a new field to it: 
>     Field('registration_id', length=512,writable=False, 
> readable=False, default='') 
> Then visit the login page and viola' you can login with OpenID, 
> Google, etc etc. You can add UP to 6 methods for free using the 
> rpxnow.com interface. For more methods, you need to pay (I am not 
> affiliated with them and I get no profit but I like their system) 
> I would like to release 1.81.1 with this tomorrow so I can show it at 
> EuroPython Saturday. 
> Massimo

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