I am going to be moving my application off of the Google App Engine cloud. I liked some of the things that app engine did for www.noobmusic.com, but it is clear that I will end up spending an ass load of money trying to host a resource hog like noobmusic.com. I plan to put it on a dedicated Linux server through iweb with 10 tb of traffic and 500 gig of hard disk space. The transition is planned for this weekend. I am glad I did not get to deeply involved in app engine before deciding to move. My data models will need to be switched around, as I plan to use MySQL. Does anybody have an advice or heads up warnings with moving to a Linux server? This will be a new experience for me.
I don't know about anybody else, but the warnings about using app engine were pretty clear and not well heeded by me. Just like everybody said you lock yourself into their bull crap. they have so many gotchas in their billing it is unbelievable.