On Apr 6, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Manuele Pesenti wrote: > > can you suggest a nice looking solution for easly introduce new buttons in > grid and smartgrid when I'm in edit mode? > This are an example of a button to introduce: > > my_extra_element_1 = FORM(INPUT(_type="submit", _value=T('Share data')), > _action=URL('share_data_with_users', args=table_id)) > > I would like to align with other button such as back, edit or view > > At the moment I use to do something like this: > > orm.components += [my_extra_element_1] > > but it's not a nice solution expecially if I got more than one element to > introduce
On a related note, I was trying to do this, more or less, this morning, and I thought I might try to explore the structure of the grid by displaying it with BEAUTIFY. But of course (I guess of course) that gives me the presentation of the form/table itself, not a breakdown of its structure. I wonder if it wouldn't be straightforward to have a version of BEAUTIFY (arguments? alternative version called DUMP?) that would suppress this behavior and give us a dump of the object down to lower-level structures: dicts, lists, etc? Or is there already some better way to explore the structure of a FORM or SQLTABLE or whatever?