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Em 31-03-2012 07:17, Alex escreveu:
> ok, I think now I understand how the request_tenant works. So there would be
> just one database for everything but every table is filtered by the field? If
> that is the case that's really not what I want.
> I also thought about selecting the db by the request.env.http_host etc. this
> also seems like a hack to me but I guess I could live with that... only 
> problem
> is this will not work with cron jobs (accessing the db), at least that is 
> what I
> assume. I'm currently using enviroment variables for the db config but this
> fails now because of the cron jobs (external cron).
> I'm now thinking of reading the db config from a config file in db.py but this
> also seems like a really bad solution. Then I'd probably have the file I/O for
> every request just to get the db configuration.

I'm facing the same problem as you (the 'all-in-one' solution doesn't fit
either) and the best solution I found so far was to read the DB connection
parameters based on a config file.

The drawback is that you have to read that file on each request... one day I'll
try to figure how to cache it.

An alternative might be a script that changed the URI in models/db.py, like this
one from Francisco Ribeiro:

> Am Samstag, 31. März 2012 03:05:27 UTC+2 schrieb nick name:
>     The database connection is initialized in models/db.py (assuming you used
>     the wizard to generate your application). Look for the line that says
>     "db=DAL(...)", and make it select the right database according to your
>     request, e.g. request.host, or however else you determine the 
> configuration
>     environment.
>     Alternatively, you could keep it all in the same database with a
>     "request_tenant' field:
>     https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/CixV2qflqkk/discussion -
>     if you add a field such as the following to a table:
>     ...
>        Field('request_tenant', default=request.host),
>     ...
>     (where the default is however you identify the specific environment)
>     web2py will add a "and request_tenant=''+request.host+''" to every query
>     relating to that table, and of course would insert it to new records.
>     Effectively, this means every record in a table with such a field will 
> only
>     be seen when the default value of the field in this request is the same as
>     when it was generated. (You can still get all records by either setting 
> the
>     default to None, or adding an "ignore_common_filter=True")
>     On Friday, March 30, 2012 4:55:16 PM UTC-4, Alex wrote:
>         Hello,
>         I need to configure my data source for different instances. Currently
>         this is the last problem preventing me from going productive. I run my
>         application for multiple customer instances and of course the database
>         connection is different for each customer. This issue also occurs if 
> you
>         have a test and a productive environment. I think this is a fairly
>         common use case and necessary for most real world applications, so I'm
>         really surprised that I didn't see any solution for this in web2py
>         (especially since web2py is so easy and powerful for everything else).
>         Or did I just miss something?
>         Massimo, in case you read this, do you have an advice for me? is an
>         environment configuration a feature that could be added in the 
> future? I
>         think that I read somewhere that web2py developers don't think this is
>         necessary but I really don't understand why.
>         Is there a workaround for me? I have some ideas but nothing seems to 
> be
>         optimal. I'd prefer to avoid dirty hacks...
>         thanks,
>         Alex

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Carlos Correia
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