What's the URL? I deleted a few sites recently that were dead links -- is it possible the site was down for some time?
Anthony On Saturday, March 31, 2012 3:02:32 PM UTC-4, Ovidio Marinho wrote: > > Paraiba Government > > > > Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto > Web Developer > ovidio...@gmail.com > ovidiomari...@itjp.net.br > ITJP - itjp.net.br > 83 8826 9088 - Oi > 83 9334 0266 - Claro > Brasil > > > > > 2012/3/31 Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> > >> Which site was deleted? >> >> >> On Saturday, March 31, 2012 1:58:33 PM UTC-4, Ovidio Marinho wrote: >>> >>> Gostaria de pedir a quem gerencia o sites Powered By que antes de >>> excluir sites , avisem ao seus gestores o porque e não ir quebrando o site >>> sem aviso, pois temos informaçoes referenciadas a este importante icone de >>> divulgação. Obrigado!! >>> >>> >>> I would ask who manages the site Powered By that before deleting >>> sites, let us know when and why their managers do not go breaking the site >>> without notice, as we referenced information of this important icon of >>> disclosure. Thank you! >>> >>> >>> Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto >>> Web Developer >>> ovidio...@gmail.com >>> ovidiomari...@itjp.net.br >>> ITJP - itjp.net.br >>> 83 8826 9088 - Oi >>> 83 9334 0266 - Claro >>> Brasil >>> >>> >>> >