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Note, the options() method belongs to the IS_IN_SET and IS_IN_DB validator classes. By default, reference fields get an IS_IN_DB validator, hence the options() method on field.requires for reference fields. I'm not sure that the options() method of these two validators would be considered part of the web2py API -- I think they are only intended to be used as internal methods by the OptionsWidget, RadioWidget, and CheckboxesWidget classes to generate options for SQLFORM fields. That's probably why it's not documented in the book. Anthony On Saturday, March 31, 2012 12:25:50 PM UTC-4, monotasker wrote: > > Maybe it's just me, but one of the things I find most confusing as I work > with web2py is figuring out what properties and methods each object has. > For example, I just learned that field.requires can have an options() > method that outputs a list of tuples for the options available in a > reference field. I really like the documentation in the web2py book because > it's oriented toward helping people actually build apps. But is there any > documentation of the data structure? I would find it enormously helpful to > have a "map" of the various objects returned by, say, DAL and SQLFORM, > listing all of their possible properties and methods. I know that this is > (in theory) available by simply reading the source code (that's how I > learned about the .options() method). But for those like myself who are not > full-time code gurus it would be a huge help to have this all a little more > accessible. >