It seems to me that you store only the class when you instantiate it the first time. Try the following to force reserialization:
def debug3(): print "counter: %s, counter2: %s len: %s"%(session.counter,session.counter2, len(session.defManager.allDefs)) defManager = session.defManager defManager.add_def("Test%s"%session.counter) session.defManager = defManager print '\nDebug3: '.join(session.defManager.allDefs) #session.counter +=1 return "<br>".join(session.defManager.allDefs) I did not test it. Anyway, whether the above works for you or not, I think it is counterintuitive and we should open a ticket on mic Il 31 marzo 2012 03:41, Web2py Newbie <> ha scritto: > I meant "a simplified version which acts the same way" >