On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:13:52 AM UTC-4, Richard Penman wrote:
> "the smartest web hackers I know universally regard web2py as a 
> fundamentally incorrect way to approach web developmentā€”but usually say so 
> in far more colorful terms."

I just went and re-read the original threads (from jan-2011) where the 
flask & django guys were attacking web2py.

Looking at it a year later, I'm amazed how clueless (or bigotted, take your 
pick) both Jacob Moss-Kaplan (django) and Armin Ronacher (flask) had been 
about web2py, and still are. Their arguments boil down to two specific 

JMK: web2py adds a few more "builtins" to python (i.e., python already has 
"dict", "list", "len", that's fine. web2py adds "request", "response", 
"session" and a few others - that's unforgivable, harmful and divisive to 
the  python community at large). And confusing to everyone.

AR: What JMK said. And also, if you define classes with __del__ methods 
that don't call object.__del__, you might leak resources. Doesn't matter 
that it's a python problem in general, it's web2py's fault.

The first is a difference in opinion. The 2nd is just dumb. And up until 
this morning, I thought this guys weren't playing politics.

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