Thanks for your pointed me in the right direction. It turns out the issue is not with the query construction, but that DAL handles string input differently to objects. What I am trying to do is take a Query and then convert it to a string so it can be saved in the session. The string can then be pulled from the session and converted back into a Query. This works for simple queries, but not for queries with implicit joins. See the difference:
>>>from gluon.dal import Query >>>query = ( > 0) & (db.webpage.title == 'FAQ') & >>>(db.comment.page_id == >>>query_as_string = str(query) >>>query_from_string = Query(db, query_as_string) >>>db(query)._select(db.comment.body) "SELECT comment.body FROM comment, webpage WHERE ((( > 0) AND (webpage.title = 'FAQ')) AND (comment.page_id =;" >>>db(query_from_string)._select(db.comment.body) "SELECT comment.body FROM comment WHERE (((( > 0) AND (webpage.title = 'FAQ')) AND (comment.page_id =;" Does anyone know how to convert a Query to a string (so it can be saved in the session) and then get it back again? On Mar 24, 4:52 am, Wikus van de Merwe <> wrote: > Just a blind guess but does this work any better? > query = ( > 0) & (webpage.title == 'FAQ') & (comment.page_id == > & ( == comment_tags.comment_id) & ( == > comment_tags.tag_id) & (tag.label == 'Agree') > db(query).select()