Ok, if I am understanding correctly you want a complex validation. I mean
validating a field base on the input of an other field. Default web2py
validator are applying only to one field at a time. It is possible to do
what you ask for, but it will require that you implement your own
validator. You can have a look into gluon/validators.py to figure out where
to start.

I use to modify some of the web2py validator in the pass to make sure that
only one FK is provided for a table where to kind of relation was used
cause by a bad design.

Check validators.py and if you still want to make complex validation I
could help a little bit.


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Rakesh Singh <rak...@verifaction.co.za>wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> My tables are pretty large (30-60 columns each), so let me use another
> test table.
> Let's say we have a table called survey.
> If the user selects "Male" in the "Sex" field, "Favourite Car" and
> "Favourite Sport" must not be empty.
> "Favourite Perfume" and "Favourite Soapie" can be empty.
> If the user selects "Female" then the opposite applies.
> I was initially trying to hide the fields, and only unhide the
> appropriate ones bases on the user input.
> But it is not necessary. I don't mind displaying all fields, as long
> as they are validated based on user input.
> I initially tried SQLFORM.grid and smartgrid, but what I want to
> achieve does not seem possible.
> I thought of splitting the input form into multiple forms, but due to
> the number of conditions, it won't be feasible to the user.
> Thank you for any advice/suggestions.
> Regards,
> Rakesh
> db.define_table('survey',
>    Field('fname',
>        'string',
>        length=25,
>        required=True,
>        requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_UPPER()],
>        label='First Name'),
>    Field('sname',
>        'string',
>        length=80,
>        required=True,
>        requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_UPPER()],
>        label='Surname'),
>    Field('sex',
>        'string',
>        length=1,
>        required=True,
>        requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_UPPER(), IS_IN_SET(['F', 'M'])],
>        label='Sex'),
>    Field('fav_perfume',
>        'string',
>        length=20,
>        required=False,
>        requires=IS_UPPER(),
>        label='Favourite Perfume'),
>    Field('fav_soapie',
>        'string',
>        length=20,
>        required=False,
>        requires=IS_UPPER(),
>        label='Favourite Soapie'),
>    Field('fav_car',
>        'string',
>        length=20,
>        required=False,
>        requires=IS_UPPER(),
>        label='Favourite Car'),
>    Field('fav_sport',
>        'string',
>        length=20,
>        required=False,
>        requires=IS_UPPER(),
>        label='Favourite Sport')
>    )
> On Mar 20, 11:46 am, Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > We will need more code to help you...
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Richard
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Rakesh Singh <rak...@verifaction.co.za
> >wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi All,
> >
> > > Apologies if this has been covered before but I cannot seem to find the
> > > appropriate solution in the archives or in the web2py book.
> >
> > > I am using SQLFORM.grid to generate an interface into my table.
> > > Some of my fields in the table are only required based on other inputs.
> > > As a simple example, if the user is an individual, the Identity Number
> > > field must be completed.
> > > But if it is a business, the Company Registration Number field must be
> > > completed.
> >
> > > I read the Conditional Field section in the book, but I cannot seem to
> get
> > > it to work on my form.
> > > Also, my table name and columns have quite a few underscores, so I'm
> not
> > > sure if this is affecting the jQuery syntax.
> > > eg. NCS_SARS_DECLARANT is the table, RECORD_TYPE is the column
> > > If I understand correctly, I should have :
> > > jQuery('#NCS_SARS_DECLARANT_RECORD_TYPE__row').hide() ?
> >
> > > What is the suggested way in achieving this?
> >
> > > Many thanks.
> >
> > > Regards,
> >
> > > Rakesh
> >
> > > Running Web2py Version 1.99.7

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